Gallery sketching

the final version of the animation.

Intent of the project:

This project will be a story-telling animation. My motivation is to depict a daily event to resonate with the audiences. The target audiences are the young adults like us. Additionally, I still want to make the animation with humour which can make audiences laugh.

Preparation for the project

Story ladder

The picture above is my first finished storyboard and I showed it and all stuff mentioned forward on interim1. I got these reflections from my tutors:
Firstly, as I still left lots of blank space for story, I was suggested by Su-Lynn and Darren to have a clear direction and focus point for the animation. They mentioned spy style and how the character would sketch targets. This really inspired me and provides me a hint for the whole story. Later, Mario, my teacher in toolkit, questioned me the motivation and goal of the main character. “Why she wants to follow and draw very quickly? How does she feel and how will she behave? “ These questions attacked me directly and these are my notes and developments:
I need to make my storyline clearer and to achieve that, I have to delete some ideas and plots although l love them…
My focus point should be on one character and show how the girl will trace her target as a spy and I need to exaggerate this process. This part will be the core of the story and extremely interesting.
I need to show the content on her sketchbook to tell the audience why she needs to follow one target and what outcome she wants at the end.

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